Sunday, January 9, 2011

Year of the Rabbit Postage Stamps

Here's a pleasant and promising diversion aside from my novel progress reports :-)

Do you feel a state of calm coming over you? The Year of the Rabbit is a peaceful year, one that will be far more tranquil than the previous “Tiger” year, and give us the necessary rest to revive ourselves from a time of uncertainty and stress.

That excerpt was taken from the Canada Post page announcing the January 7th release of the stamps for The Year of The Rabbit.  Officially, this year does not begin until February 3, 2011.   I am really looking forward to it.  There's a lot I have to get over from the snarly Tiger year and life changes for this year coming. 

As they say "Rabbits '... are survivors—and can deal with anything life throws at them as long as they are at peace with themselves.' "  The next few months will provide me the opportunity to be at peace with myself, to understand myself as I learn to better understand the challenges experienced by my loved ones.  If I need to shift gears or take a different path,  I will take the advice of my friend Alberte in doing my best to continue in good work and make this a better world. 

As for postage stamps and the use of snail mail, I'd be interested to hear comments from readers and fellow bloggers on any continued, dedicated use.  


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